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Wayne - Bath Brush Beating
Tommy - Bubble Bath Blues
Spencer - Spanked For Speeding
Ryan - Wait Till Your Father Gets Home
Duration: 34:45 Size: 0.00 MB

Spanking Competition - Part One - Adam & Wayne

RELEASED: 6th June 2014

Spanking Competition 

Part One

Adam & Wayne

This is the start of a new series of spanking competitions between the lads.

We started off with real life best friends Adam & Wayne.

There is an interview with the lads at the beginning which is really funny. Their close friendship and easy going nature is a joy to watch!

So how does the Spanking Competition work?


Each lad has 30 seconds to spank their friend as hard as they can.

10 Seconds to swap positions

Then the other lad has 30 seconds to get his revenge.

This continues until one lad gives up!

Why would the lads do this? Well simply to earn some cash. The winner walks away with double the money.

The winner also gets to play in the next round with another lad and will continue until he is beaten!

There is also a humiliating twist for the loser at the end!

""More from producer Dave! First of all don't panic! This series is not going to be the new direction of Straight Lads Spanked. There will still be a good mix of Mr X, Dad, Uncle Andrew and whatever else I think up! However, I for one love seeing the lads in these natural settings where you get to see their true characters come true and lets face it, what can be hotter than seeing two, straight best friends spanking each other bare ass.

I can't wait to hear your comments and please, as always be honest. 

Available streams for iPad, iPhone, Android, Chrome, Safari, IE or Firefox
cami | Voted Video 9/10 | 6th June 10:50
DAMN WAYNE IS SO FREAKING SEXY :)... That was really fun to watch so some reason i thought it was going to be lame. But it was really good. Both of them did an awesome job taking the spanks. Will not tell anyone about this movie do not want to spoil it for all of you.
Art love the Graphics they are kool :) Dave an always you are awesome what you do..
matt | Voted Video 8/10 | 6th June 11:19
These guys are so sexy. I think the competition is a great idea; getting the guys to spank each other over the knee but take it seriously. I love how Adam kicks and squirms like a little boy. Such a cutie. And Wayne has the sexiest body. Fun, hot, video. Definitely looking forward to seeing more of these two naughty boys OTK. Great job, Dave, Art, Wayne, and Adam.
welshboy | Voted Video 8/10 | 6th June 11:53
What a great idea for a set of films, as always Wayne is a joy to watch. What a bottom he has got. I could see him get spanked every day. It was great to see Adam back, he has such a cute smile and a bottom that needs a lot more spanking. Art great work on the graphics, and loved the use of all those camera's so we could not miss a spank. Dave you have done it again. You have it gold. Well done to all.
Domfan | Not voted video yet | 6th June 15:44
Wayne has the cheekiest smile. Love when his cock and balls fall out onto Adam's lap, and when screams
Lynne | Voted Video 8/10 | 6th June 16:01
I had a feeling which one was going to be the victor and I was right :). Both guys had quite the workout just switching back and forth in that short 10 second timeframe :)

They both did really well and it was good to see Adam back.

Well done to all and I think Dave enjoyed this one a whole bunch.

kristi10 | Voted Video 7/10 | 6th June 18:24
When I read about this one on the blog, I wasn't too sure I would like it, but surprise to me.. I loved it!! I made a guess in the beginning on who would win,, and my lad arose victorious!! I am anxious to see who the challenger might be. Fun movie, thanks!
Rasputin | Voted Video 9/10 | 6th June 19:03
I liked this video a lot more than I thought I would. I loved to watch Adam and Wayne squirming, kicking, grunting, squealing etc. while being spanked OTK by each other. Kudos to ART for his split-screen editing - we got to see the guys' facial expressions, their spanked butts and their squirming and kicking simultaneously.

I can hardly wait to see Wayne and Bailey have at it in a spanking round!

Dave, I would have given this video 9 out of 10 if you had done the following two things:
1) instead of boxer briefs, Adam & Wayne had worn either speedos or hip briefs or bikini briefs; and
2) at the beginning of EVERY round, the guy about to do the spanking pulls his buddy's briefs down in back, and at the ending of EVERY round, the guy who just got spanked pulls his briefs back up.
Rasputin | Voted Video 9/10 | 6th June 19:07
I also liked the fact that the guys were just wearing boxer briefs. The fact that the guys were almost naked enhanced the appeal of the OTK spanking, where they were squirming, kicking, grimacing, groaning, yelling, etc. over each other's lap.
uchikimatsu | Voted Video 6/10 | 6th June 21:06
It was....cute.
I thought the losers forfeit was the best part - really REALY ***HOT*** otherwise just a tad repetitive. Loved the interviews, as always.
I'm glad to know we'll be seeing more of Adam in the future, I really like him and was wondering if he was going to ever do anything but competitions.
I forgive you, Dave :-P
tinhead | Voted Video 9/10 | 7th June 03:53
So glad you went through with the idea of this series Dave. Superb! Loving the variation of videos :o)
wardcoleman | Voted Video 9/10 | 7th June 05:10
This is actually a lot of fun, both the lads are really very cute
regina | Voted Video 9/10 | 7th June 05:51
Dave you did again! You real are coming up with some real ideals. The guys are so cute and Waynes laughed is to die for.
Domfan | Not voted video yet | 7th June 13:09
I agree Regina, away else laugh (and smile) are awesome
Domfan | Not voted video yet | 7th June 13:10
Wayne's I meant. Typo
Lynne | Voted Video 8/10 | 7th June 16:18
After watching it again, I just noticed that Wayne still looked marked from his encounter with the bath brush. In the first view I also missed Adam's comment about how he had forgotten how uncomfortable it was :).
uchikimatsu | Voted Video 6/10 | 7th June 18:34
@Lynne - I, too, did not hear Adams comment until the second viewing and thought it was so cute. He's also so polite saying things like "oh dear" which is characteristic of Sebastian as well. I am really looking forward to more ADAM!
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 8th June 13:03
Hey Cami! I'm glad you enjoyed it! I think enough time has passed that we can talk about who won. So yes, you should be getting to see more of sexy Wayne in Part Two!
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 8th June 13:04
Glad you like the idea Matt I was really pleased with the end result! :)
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 8th June 13:05
Hey Welshboy. Praise indeed and yes praise to Art too! The editing and the split screen was awesome! Art is the man!
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 8th June 13:06
Hey Domfan! Wayne screaming was brilliant!
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 8th June 13:07
Hey kristi10, I really had no idea who was going to win. It was rather tense being in the room when it all happened! Glad you liked it!
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 8th June 13:09
Hey Rasputin, glad you liked this one. There really was a lot of squirming going on! :)
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 8th June 13:09
I'm glad you forgive me Chikki! It was kinda cute, I agree! lol!
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 8th June 13:10
Thanks tin head. Really value your feedback!
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 8th June 13:10
Ward, the lads are zoo cute it is almost unbearable!
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 8th June 13:11
Thanks Regina! So glad you enjoyed it and brilliant to have you back as a member again! :)
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked | Not voted video yet | 8th June 13:12
Domfan, Wayne even smiles when getting spanked and it is cute!
nanarr | Voted Video 6/10 | 8th June 15:51
Dave, for being into the punishment-type videos, I enjoyed this more than I thought I would! Part of the fun was watching them "race around" for the 10 seconds to change over. Both are so cute I didn't know who to root for!! Liked the kicking, yelling, squirming around. The smiles lost some intensity as the spankings went on LOL.

Good job Dave, Art, Adam and Wayne.

Wonder who the next competitor will be?
laminor | Not voted video yet | 2nd July 16:27
I rejoined after seeing this update.

For me this is the best type of video- no one knows what who will receive the ultimate forfeit prize.

Really, this video is why I rejoined!

Just asan aside, the cinematography is exceptional.
alecto | Voted Video 9/10 | 25th August 04:22
Love it. Such a hot set up.
[email protected] | Voted Video 10/10 | 25th August 17:23
Loved this movie it was really fun to watch and so cute Wayne and Adam did a great job.I want more Adam movies not comps like this or jenga but in his own movie like WTYFGH or BBB xx
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