Spanking Competition
Part One
Adam & Wayne
This is the start of a new series of spanking competitions between the lads.
We started off with real life best friends Adam & Wayne.
There is an interview with the lads at the beginning which is really funny. Their close friendship and easy going nature is a joy to watch!
So how does the Spanking Competition work?
Each lad has 30 seconds to spank their friend as hard as they can.
10 Seconds to swap positions
Then the other lad has 30 seconds to get his revenge.
This continues until one lad gives up!
Why would the lads do this? Well simply to earn some cash. The winner walks away with double the money.
The winner also gets to play in the next round with another lad and will continue until he is beaten!
There is also a humiliating twist for the loser at the end!
""More from producer Dave! First of all don't panic! This series is not going to be the new direction of Straight Lads Spanked. There will still be a good mix of Mr X, Dad, Uncle Andrew and whatever else I think up! However, I for one love seeing the lads in these natural settings where you get to see their true characters come true and lets face it, what can be hotter than seeing two, straight best friends spanking each other bare ass.
I can't wait to hear your comments and please, as always be honest.

Art love the Graphics they are kool :) Dave an always you are awesome what you do..

They both did really well and it was good to see Adam back.
Well done to all and I think Dave enjoyed this one a whole bunch.

I can hardly wait to see Wayne and Bailey have at it in a spanking round!
Dave, I would have given this video 9 out of 10 if you had done the following two things:
1) instead of boxer briefs, Adam & Wayne had worn either speedos or hip briefs or bikini briefs; and
2) at the beginning of EVERY round, the guy about to do the spanking pulls his buddy's briefs down in back, and at the ending of EVERY round, the guy who just got spanked pulls his briefs back up.

I thought the losers forfeit was the best part - really REALY ***HOT*** otherwise just a tad repetitive. Loved the interviews, as always.
I'm glad to know we'll be seeing more of Adam in the future, I really like him and was wondering if he was going to ever do anything but competitions.
I forgive you, Dave :-P

Good job Dave, Art, Adam and Wayne.
Wonder who the next competitor will be?

For me this is the best type of video- no one knows what who will receive the ultimate forfeit prize.
Really, this video is why I rejoined!
Just asan aside, the cinematography is exceptional.