Karl and Johnny are only 18 and star football players. It does not stop them from misbehaving though! They have been kicking a ball around private land and windows got broken.
Coach Andy is furious! He drags the lads into the locker room and demands to know who was responsible. Neither Karl or Johnny own up and this makes the coach even more angry. He tells them that unless one of them confesses they will both be getting a good spanking. The threat of being spanked does not seem to work...
Coach Andy Lee deals with Karl first as he drags him by his ear and puts him over his knee.... Karl gets spanked hard whilst Johnny looks on! Soon though it's time to swap as Johnny feels the full force of the coaches hand.. It's humiliating getting spanked bare ass in front of your team mate.
Spanking over and coach Andy sends the sorry straight lads for a shower.....
The lads get themselves nice and clean and think the punishment is all over... They are wrong! Coach Andy has received further information about the broken window. He has found out that both lads are to blame!
It's time for the paddle! Johnny is up first and has to bend over, fully naked and receive 6 hard swats from the hard wooden paddle! There is no doubt at all just how much they hurt. Karl can only watch in despair knowing that he is next!
Two 18 year old lads get spanked and paddled hard!