Meet Tony!
The newest player on the team. He is good! He knows he is good! The ladies like him and he likes the ladies.
Tony broke the golden rule. You don't mess with the Cheerleaders!
Don't mess? Tony was found with three of them in the Hot Tub in the Locker Room!
So this cocky young player is going to learn the HARD way how discipline is handled in the new team. Tony is sent to Mr X the local community spanker to get disciplined. Tony has no idea what is in store for him!
Mr X realises he is facing a 'tough guy' as soon as he meets Tony! Mr X has dealt with guys like Tony before!
Tiny smiles when he finds out he is going to get spanked. I mean, he is a tough guy. Surely he can handle a bit of a spanking?
Tony starts off confident and cocky but Mr X is determined to break him. Tony gets dragged over Mr X's knee. Spanked on his jeans then his boxers and finally Tony is stripped naked and over Mr X's knee. It is at this time that he begins to crack! He can no longer hide how much the constant spanks are hurting! Mr X wants to get the message across! So Tony is told the fetch the leather paddle! Mr X is ruthless as he whacks this naughty straight lads butt! Tony wriggles, squirms and tries to block the swats but Mr X holds him in place!
Finally. Feeling very sore and sorry the ordeal ends and Tony is ordered to get dressed!
Another harsh lesson learnt at Straight Lads Spanked!

I want more videos with him.